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Still Have Questions about Hemorrhoids?

What are hemorrhoids?

Believe it or not everyone has hemorrhoids. We only tend to hear about them when they are causing issues. Hemorrhoidal tissue is a normal part of our body and is located about two inches inside the anal canal and extends around the outside of the anus. Hemorrhoids are blood vessels that act as seals at the end of the rectum, but at times can overfill with blood and swell, which creates problems. This causes an obstacle for stool to normally pass through the rectum and can cause symptoms like rectal itching, pain and bleeding.

What causes of hemorrhoids?

Some causes of hemorrhoids include:

  • Prolonged sitting (in a chair or on the toilet)
  • Chronically strained bowel movements (i.e. constipation or diarrhea)
  • Heavy lifting
  • Obesity
  • Advanced age

Are there different types of hemorrhoids?

Yes. There are internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids can become inflamed on the inside of the anal canal. This is normally not painful but may itch and bleed. At times, an internal hemorrhoid can become so overfilled with blood it may push its way past the anal sphincter, commonly called prolapsed hemorrhoid. This type can retract back into the anal canal on its own or be gently pushed back in.

External hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels on the skin side of the anal canals. These hemorrhoids can itch, bleed and sometimes form a blood clot that pushes against very sensitive skin and nerves around the anus.

How do I treat my hemorrhoids?

Before your appointment, you can use over- the-counter pain medication, try warm sitz baths several times a day and take a stool softener.

For internal hemorrhoids medical therapy is an option, but the most effective treatment is called a hemorrhoid banding. This is a quick five- minute procedure that uses a rubber band litigation technique. This is an in-office procedure and done without the use of anesthesia. Many patients report little to no pain from this quick and straightforward procedure.

For external hemorrhoids, medical therapy or a minor surgical procedure may be performed, this will not be known until your GI specialist examines the area to know if further steps need to be taken.

Why is this a quick procedure?

Unlike surgical procedures, the banding treatment is minimally invasive, requires no sedation and takes less than five minutes.

How can I prevent hemorrhoids?

The most effective way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep stools soft and to limit toilet time. See the list below for ways to help keep your stools soft:

  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water/healthy fluids daily.
  • East high-fiber foods or take a fiber supplement.

Other ways to prevent hemorrhoids include:

  • Don’t strain when having a bowel movement.
  • Exercise
  • Avoid prolonged sitting and limit time on the toilet to <3min.

Will my hemorrhoid treatment be covered by insurance?

Most medical insurances cover hemorrhoid treatment, but we recommend checking with your individual insurance while you wait for your appointment.

Will I need anesthesia for my hemorrhoid banding treatment?

No sedation needed. Hemorrhoid banding is only performed in clinic and not performed during colonoscopy. And the good news is hemorrhoid banding treatments are fast — and many patients report very little pain — if any.

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If you’re looking for the best possible care for your digestive health, choose Gastroenterology of the Rockies in Denver.

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