
IBD - Crohn's
& Colitis

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IBD – Crohn’s & Colitis
Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease of the GI Tract

Ulcerative Colitis • UC

Ulcerative Colitis

Limited to the colon
  • Starts in rectum – extends up colon
  • Diffuse, continuous pattern of inflammation
  • Mucosa (surface lining) involvement

Crohn’s Disease • CD

Crohn's Disease

Anywhere from the mouth to anus
  • Patchy distribution of inflammation
  • Transmural inflammation (full thickness of
    gut lining = deeper inflammation)
  • Most commonly affects terminal ileum & colon



Abdominal pain
Mucus/blood in stool
Incomplete evacuation
Rectal pain


Weight loss

Note: IBD symptoms can be similar to IBS

Extraintestinal Manifestations

Joints (Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis)
Skin (Erythema Nodosum, Pyoderma)
Eyes (uveitis) Oral ulcers (Apthae)

Most At Risk

Young Adults Aged 15-35

25% of people with IBD develop the disease before the age of 18.

3.1 million adults (1.3%) in the U.S. are diagnosed with IBD, incidence is increasing both in U.S. & worldwide.

Potential diagnosis at any age

Treat To Target Strategy


Use Steroid-Sparing Strategy To Treat Symptoms

Decrease bleeding, frequency, urgency, pain etc.


Decrease Inflammation

Assessed by blood/stool biomarkers, endoscopic assessment (mucosal healing = bowel healing)


Aspirational Goal = Functional Remission

Having the patient get control of their life again, so they can get back to work, social life, travel, and family gatherings. Gastro of the Rockies has multiple advanced therapies available with varying mechanisms of action and modes of administration (oral, IV, subcutaneous) to target inflammation and treat patients with IBD.

IBD & IBS: Similarities & Differences

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is the  Inflammation or destruction of the bowel wall,  leading to sores & narrowing of the intestines. It is a structural disease where physical damage causes symptoms. Doctors can see chronic inflammation or ulcers when they inspect the gut.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It is a functional disease, which means that tests (such as a colonoscopy, stool or blood tests) won’t show any physical reason for symptoms. It’s possible to have both IBD and IBS.

IBD Symptoms

  • Loss of appetite/weight loss
  • Inflammation of skin, joints, or eyes
  • Fever
  • loody/black Stool
  • Anemia
  • Fatigue

Main Difference

  • Visible inflammation in examination
  • Can get progressively worse
  • Risk of colon cancer, surgery, hospitalization

Shared Symptoms

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Cramping
  • Bloating

IBS Symptoms

  • Nausea
  • Gas
  • Bloating/cramping
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation

Main Difference:

  • No visible changes seen in examination

Dr. Joshua Steinberg: Director of IBD

Joshua M. Steinberg, MD, is the Director of IBD with advanced IBD training from the University of Chicago. Dr. Steinberg takes a comprehensive approach in treating patients with Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis ranging from mild to severely complex disease.

Joshua Steinberg

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